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Choose a Nimbus plan to match your business

All plans come with unlimited secure cloud storage and automated backups.

Monthly subscription with no lock-in contracts

Bulk discount applies for 11 or more users. All prices are ex-GST / VAT.

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Secure Client Portal
with optional Xero integration

Perfect to get you started with file sharing and digital document signing.

Number of users:

A$ 30.00 /month

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Unlimited Storage Unlimited Client Portals Digital Document Signing Client Activity Tracking Your logo & branding Xero Integration Minimum 3 users Recommended Training


Cloud Document Management
with CRM / PM integration

Ideal for businesses looking for Cloud Document Management

Number of users:

A$ 35.00 /month

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Unlimited Storage Unlimited Client Portals Digital Document Signing Client Activity Tracking Your logo & branding Full Document Management CRM / Practice Management integration MS Office Integration Automated File Syncing Fees may apply for integration to desktop-based systems Recommended Training


Ultimate Paperless Office
with CRM / PM integration

Most Popular!

Complete Portal solution plus Cloud Document Management.

Number of users:

A$ 50.00 /month

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Unlimited Storage Unlimited Client Portals Digital Document Signing Client Activity Tracking Your logo & branding Full Document Management CRM / Practice Management integration MS Office Integration Automated File Syncing Email Communications Online Webform Checklists Fees may apply for integration to desktop-based systems Recommended Training


Private Cloud

Hosted on your own AWS server, for 50+ staff.

Number of users:


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All Nimbus Professional features + Hosted on own AWS server Recommended Training

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